As a college baseball player and strength coach, my biggest pet peeve is watching pitchers condition immediately following starts and in between starts. It amazes me that many coaches still believe that long distance running will increase stamina and help the recovery process. Pitching is a very fast and explosive movement.If you want to be fast, you need to train fast. If you train slow you will be slow!
Why Long Distance Running SUCKS
Will lead to overuse injuries because your joints take a pounding.
Very boring and monotonous
There is no lactic acid buildup after pitching
Trains the WRONG energy system-
Trains you to be slow
Conditioning for any sport is a matter of training the correct energy system and this has to do with the work to rest ratio and the physical demands of the sport. Pitchers perform a very explosive movement and then rest 20 seconds or so before they throw again. Since long distance running trains the aerobic energy system, and the phosphogen energy is the predominate one in baseball, long distance running has absolutely no carry over to baseball. Instead baseball players should train more like sprinters, not like cross country runners. Other than all out sprints, pitchers can perform hill sprints, prowler pushes, sled drags and battling ropes. These forms of conditioning are absolutely brutal and will build mental toughness.
Before you read this post, make sure you read the truth about supplements. As a strength coach, it is my job to know about supplements and the effects they can have on training. Personally, I am not a huge fan of most supplement companies. Many of these companies promise ridiculous claims and have no science behind any of their products.
Why Most Pre Workout Supplements SUCK
When it comes to pre-workout supplementation, I do not recommend NO Explode or any products similar to it. For one, they have way too many ingredients in them. Out of the 100 ingredients, maybe only a handful of them actually work. The rest are just fillers used to mask the horrible taste of l-leucine and other ingredients.
My second issue with most pre-workout supplements is that they do not tell you how many mg or grams of a certain ingredient you are getting. Instead, they will often say "Anabolic proprietary blend 41,542mg" and then go on to list all the ingredients within that blend without telling you how much of each ingredient you are getting.
What Pre-Workout Supplement Should you use?
Advocare Muscle Fuel-A powerful blend of 28 vitamins,minerals, botanicals and other energy-producing intermediates. For more information on Advocare Muscle Fuel, please watch the video below.
Why I Recommend Advocare Muscle Fuel
1. States exactly how much of every ingredient is present within each serving
2. It is endorsed for FREE by 100's of MLB, NFL and world class athletes including Drew Brees, Jason Witten, Brad Hawpe, Thomas Jones and Michael Redd to name a few.
3. It is used in the majority of NFL locker rooms.
4. Back by Informed Choice which test for over 200 banned substances.
Please note that I would never recommended a product that I haven't used myself. Also remember that supplements are supposed to be used in conjunction with your nutrition.
For more information on how to order Advocare Muscle Fuel, please send me an email at or drop a comment below.
Joe Meglio helps athletes improve their athletic performance by teaching them how to properly train their bodies.This results driven business is where like minded athletes come together to become bigger, faster, stronger and more explosive...